Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Good, The Bad and The Furry

"Put your drawers on and take your gun off."

McDivot's western theme.
I had fun with this one. I wanted it to feel a bit Mad magazine-ish. How fun would it be to work there?!
I miss Jack Davis.

#mcdivot, #gopher, #gopherwrangler, #fairwaysolitaire, #green, #jeffwillis, #jeffwillisartist, #animation, #cartoon, #parody, "clinteastwood, #eliwallach, #leevancleef, #humor, #illustration

Friday, August 26, 2016

Gene Kelly would be all over McDivot!

Here is a "Singing in the Rain" parody from our Musicals tribute.
I tried to be very true to the scene by mimicking the set and props. I got a lot of great feedback and critiques as I worked on this one.

Like any artist I look at an older piece and see flaws. I had meant to add some more blurry splashes among other things. It's getting to where I sometimes hate looking at my previous pieces because I see stuff I shoulda done.

#mcdivot, #gopher, #gopherwrangler, #fairwaysolitaire, #green, #jeffwillis, #jeffwillisartist, #animation, #cartoon, #parody, #illustration, #genekelly, #musical